Fulfill your greatest dreams and desires from a deep sense of relaxed trust and flow of being.

No more secretly believing you don't get to have what you want and desperately trying to hustle your way to your goals. No more procrastinating, ruminating, and obsessively over-analyzing everything. 

Learn how to break free from all those things, start to listen to your intuition and take inspired action.

There is a missing link in coaching, therapy, and the law of attraction industry. And it leaves you wondering "why the f@#k am I still stuck?!" 

It doesn't even matter whether you are "successful" or not at reaching your goals. If you are feeling stressed out, tense, and exhausted, feeling like you're not living the life you are truly meant to live, it is most likely because of this missing link. 

Success and freedom come from letting go of control

You see, true freedom comes from being able to let go of control without your nervous system getting activated.‎

 Think about it this way: Feeling present, carefree, playful, creative, abundant, receiving, success, trusting your intuition, taking inspired action, trust ALL require a letting go of control.‎

And that's where the hitch is for so many people: Letting go of control feels like powerlessness in the body.‎ For most, this is a tabooed sensation!‎

Instead of feeling it, it's replaced by escapes: figuring out the how, over-analyzing, placing trust in others, getting really procedural (or not at all), procrastinating, holding on tight to control, looking externally for solutions, numbing out on food or Netflix etc.‎

These escapes are driven by anxiety, desperation, overwhelm, confusion, anger, irritation, numbness, feeling tired, tension, etc.‎

Core universal beliefs

Why does that sense of powerlessness activate our nervous system?

It's usually connected to either a deep sense of devastating disappointment and loss OR a sense of being all alone and separate (from others and the Universe / God).

And often there's a belief that holds that connection between powerlessness and loss / abandonment in place:

"The Universe is against me" - "God doesn't favor me" - "Life is a struggle" - "There's the haves and have nots, you're born into that. I'm a have not" - "My being born into this life was a mistake". 

Escape alter egos: which ones show up for you? Desperate Deena? Independent Ivy? Chaotic Carl?

Core universal beliefs

Why does that sense of powerlessness activate our nervous system?

It's usually connected to either a deep sense of devastating disappointment and loss OR a sense of being all alone and separate (from others and the Universe / God).

And often there's a belief that holds that connection between powerlessness and loss / abandonment in place:

"The Universe is against me" - "God doesn't favor me" - "Life is a struggle" - "There's the haves and have nots, you're born into that. I'm a have not" - "My being born into this life was a mistake". 

Escape alter egos: which ones show up for you? Desperate Deena? Independent Ivy? Chaotic Carl?

Your nervous system isn't the problem...

If you allowed yourself to feel powerlessness, you'd also feel the pain of these "truths". So the brain goes into survival mode. Your nervous system is keeping you "safe"! Even if it doesn't feel like that AT ALL. The problem isn't your nervous system. It's the distorted conclusions and connections that were made (often in childhood) that make feeling powerless so deeply painful!

‎It's those connections that need to be cleared out of the body. How to do that really depends on the person. Sometimes it is grieving a certain memory. Other times it is rightsizing experiences from your past that have been supersized ("It said something about the value I have, it's with everyone, always, and everywhere.")  It could also be societal conditioning, such as "kids are meant to be seen, not heard" or watching others "have it all" whilst your parents are merely scraping by.

Feeling free 

This is an absolutely critical part of being able to experience true freedom in your life. That's because all the states that make you feel free, feel similar to powerlessness in the body. They all have a releasing of tension and letting go of control in common. Trust, receiving, desire / want, joy, carefree, passion, abundance, power...

A great many people make their way to success through forced control, without even knowing it. It's the default, so it's not questioned. When I talk to people who have "made it" in the eyes of others, they often are exhausted. They experience so much tension in their body and deeply feel they are meant for more.

More relaxation. More presence. More joy. More freedom. More balance.

It's really no different than those whose invisible ceilings seem to be a little "lower" and they're struggling to get to a place of success.

‎When I work with clients, we first explore where they are at and uncover their core subconscious belief, their relationship with powerlessness, and their escape states and mechanisms. Recognizing those patterns and what to interrupt, will go a long way towards stepping into a new way of being. We then clear out any of the distortions, so they can feel powerlessness in your body without the nervous system responding.

That's when we switch gears and focus on a whole new way of being and getting full access to those creative states that I mentioned before. Feeling fully free to express oneself and stepping into an ease of being, deeply connected to one's purpose and intuition.

‎We focus on aligning with this new way of being. There's often confusion around what alignment really means. Essentially alignment is when all your thoughts and feelings about the world around you are in line with who you want to be and how you want to show up. And lastly, we focus on what strategy, decisions and inspired action flows from this new way of being. Often this process occurs naturally, because my clients end up trusting themselves so deeply.

Introducing: Throw It To the U

Introducing: Throw It To the U

Your nervous system isn't the problem...

Throw It To The U is a unique program that can be done as a DIY online course, a small group program, or in a 1-on-1 coach setting. Depending on your wants and needs, you can choose the option that is right for you. All option include the online course modules and a playbook for journalling your experience. 

About the creative soul behind it all...

About Femke 

Hi! I was told that I should write this piece in the 3rd person, but I'd really rather talk to you directly.

One of my clients once said that I have a curious combination of empathy and an engineer’s mind. I think she was on to something there. From a young age I picked up what others were feeling, whether it was my brother who didn't always show his true feelings or a lady I'd pass in the street who had a lonely look about her. There was this innate urge to understand and  then heal. At that age, that translated to telling my mom I wanted to adopt them as my grandma - so they wouldn't feel lonely anymore.

At the same time I was highly analytical. In large part because I LOVE math. So much so that my teacher at school had to slow me down so I didn't progress too much. I just loved figuring out challenging equations. And what's more challenging than how the human mind-body-emotion system works?! 

Long story short, I studied Accounting and Finance, discovered that wasn't for me and turned to coaching in my early 20s. I went through all my NLP certifications with some of the bigger names in the field, became one of 5 international coach trainers for a very rigorous system. And then realized that coaching was missing something crucial. 

In all the years that I was coaching and being coached, there was one thing that I hadn't overcome: my need for control. And this was holding me back. So I started out on an adventure to figure this out, and fell face forward into the field of Quantum Physics and law of attraction.

Over time I learnt to switch off my analytical brain and lean into surrender. That's how Throw It To The U was born.  And I'm overjoyed to share it with you.

PS. I’m also a boy mom, married to an amazing man and we unschool our son (=self-directed learning). And I’m a huge Alanis Morissette fan. Ironically, she also unschools. (Did I use the word ironic right? ;) ) 

A few words from my tribe

Lisa G.

Sales mgr turned school principal

Femke helped me go after my "impossible" dream.

I had already been turned down by 3 other coaches, because they didn't believe my goal was achievable: I wanted to be a primary school principal, but without having to be a teacher for 15 years. I had a background in sales, so it seemed impossible. Femke was willing to work with me. Not only did I become an vice principal within a year, I also became a far more relaxed parent after I learnt that relaxing doesn't have to look like meditating (which just wasn't for me). 

Jacky E.

 Life coach

I opened up to deeper connections in all areas of my life. 

Working with Femke has been invaluable, both personally and professionally. I'd been following other people's advice and strategies in my business and wasn't making any sales. I thought I needed a better stratetegy, but working with Femke showed me how afraid I was of making connection. I wanted it, and was repelling it at the same time. I felt lonely all the time and was afraid of loss. Once we cleared that, I got two new clients out of nowhere in the week following. Femke's skill and ability to make you feel safe is really out of this world.

 Chris H.

 Project manager / consultant

The alacrity I have always been looking for.

I have worked with Tony Robbins' master coaches, stayed at an ashram in India, meditation courses, and yet I was always sabotaging my progress. I worked hard for others and procrastinated on my own dreams.
Working with Femke changed all of that. I ended up landing a $15K contract while we were working together, something I had been procrastinating on for over 2 years.

Throw It To The U - Modules


Module 1: Introduction

In this first module you'll learn (and feel into) how to become the conscious creator of your life as well as the art of stepping back from your escape alter egos.  We put in place the foundation for transcending your old way of being (control) and into a grounded, relaxed flow and ease. 


Module 2: Uncover your core subconscious belief 

This is where we will do a deep dive, untangle your emotions (=sensations in your body) so you can start distinguishing the feelings of powerlessness from the painful emotion you are attempting to suppress and the escape emotions that help you do just that. Usually these are indistinguishable from one another or all you feel is the escape (fear, frustration, anxiety, numbness, etc). You'll learn how to shift your focus from being in your head and being in your body. We'll use all of that information to uncover the core subconscious beliefs that are holding that powerlessness-pain connection in place. 


Module 3: Clear your core subconscious belief 

Next, we work on separating powerlessness from your core subconscious belief. There are several potential steps that might be needed, which you will find in this module. The end goal is to build a tolerance for feeling the sensations of powerlessness in your body, without your nervous system getting activated. I call this the meaninglessness of powerlessness.  At the end of this module I show you how to interrupt your escapes, go through the clearing process, and access this meaninglessness of powerlessness faster and faster in a really fun guided visualization.


Module 4: The U-essence link

This is where most of my clients start noticing a shift away from what is keeping them stuck. It's no longer about the core subconscious belief. The focus turns towards who you truly are at your core: your essence. This is where you'll work on feeling deeply grounded in your connection with yourself and your relationship with what is beyond your control (the U - aka life force, God, or the Universe), building a deep sense of trust both in yourself as well as in this invisible force. 


Module 5: Expansion and Alignment

This U-essence is the foundation for expanding your tolerance for sensations of powerlessness into surrendering, letting go, carefreeness, joy, intimacy, connection, abundance, receiving, etc. Fully being able to hold all of those emotions in your body and for those sensations to be your new normal. 

You'll naturally notice that your body is more vocal about your yeses and no's, clarity around your desires and wants. This includes feeling compelled to make decisions that you have been putting off or feeling unclear around, and sometimes having difficult conversations. This process of alignment is one that happens mostly organically, and we will also explore how to align yourself with your goals. 


Module 6: Throw It To The U

In this module, we bring it all home. You start to put your attention to what you want to create. This is where you get to co-create with that invisible creative force that is beyond your control by using your imagination as your most powerful creative power and surrendering to inspired action, allowing ideas to come through when you least expect it and trusting the unknown. All throughout your new normal will have moved from control and tension in your body to a deep sense of peace and ease, groundedness, and relaxation.  A flow of being that guides you to being an expression of who you truly are at your core, no matter where you are or who you are with. 

What makes Throw It To The U different

This program isn't yet another mindset approach that merely scratches the surface or pushes you deeper into escape mode. It transcends all of that. It takes the entire mind-body-emotion system into account and it is key that the shifts are experienced in the body, not just in your head.

My clients have had amazing results, from losing 30lbs effortlessly to signing on 10 new clients to fill a program multiple times over, to getting a $15K contract deal for a Native American  music project. These are all results of doing the work.

The only discipline you'll ever need, is committing to the shifts that you are guided through in the program. The rest comes naturally and effortlessly. 

My offer to you...

What happens when your nervous system no longer gets activated to the point where you escape into alter egos? This isn't just about making x amount of dollars or reaching any kind of externally driven goal. Sure, those are absolutely great. But the real benefit is feeling free to be an expression of who you truly are, to feel healthier in your body, and to feel more deeply connected to the people you love. 

In a way, it's kind of a coming home. All of that is what makes this work priceless. 

Below are the different options you can choose to go through this amazing transformational, liberating journey. It ranges from fully DIY with my online program to a more intense hybrid program, to full 1-on-1 work (with me or one of my coaches). If you have any questions, please email me at femke@throwittotheu.com

Throw IT To The U 

Online Only

Do-it-yourself at your own pace



  • 6 modules with videos and guided visualizations
  • Online playbook (fillable)
  • Life-time access to all modules
  • Support in FB group
  • Immediate start

Exclusive 1-on-1

Deeply intimate, transformational work


7K- $12K

  • Work with me personally or one of my coaches 
  • 4 months of 1-on-1 coaching sessions
  • 10 intimate group calls 
  • Email / messenger support

PS If you are interested in becoming a Throw It To The U coach, please email me for more information. The Throw It To The U (hybrid or 1-on-1) is a prerequisite, but I offer a package deal for those who want to do the coach training as well. 


Do I get life-time access to the online course?

Yes, you do. The speed with which people go through the program varies, depending on how much time they can allocate, and how stubborn those escape mechanisms are. You don't want to feel like you have to rush through it. So you get unlimited access and go at your own pace, revisit the videos and guided visualizations as many times as you like and need. 

How much time should I allocate per week when going through the program?

This really depends on your own preferences. I do recommend that you build in a daily morning and/or evening routine, so you stay sharp and on top of things. You are building new neural networks and that requires repetition. 

Does this work for any goal? What if I want to lose weight, make more money, find a soulmate?

This work transcends and includes any kind of goal you want to focus on. In the beginning of the program you set out with a specific goal (or goals) in mind and you'll find that you'll experience a change for the better across all areas of your life. 

What modalities is this work based on?

Throw It To The U is a combination of somatic experiencing and Neuro-Semantics, and it has incorporated key principles from Quantum Physics. Beyond that, the program is unique in that it addresses an important missing link not found in coaching, therapy, or LOA work. 

will i get the same results from the online only (DIY) versus the hybrid program?

This really depends on a few different things. First, there is your level of commitment and ability to self start. And second, it depends on how much you've already done in terms of training and how much awareness you have of your body. I have had people who just bought the playbook get the results they wanted, but usually they've already done a lot of work prior to finding this work. If you aren't sure which program is best for you, then go ahead and reach out to me at femke@throwittotheu.com. I'd be happy to help you make an informed decision. 

My wish for you...

A lot of people that reach out to me have been stuck in their patterns for years, sometimes even decades, and traditional coaching or therapy hasn't helped. I've worked with people who are successful in reaching their goals, but so stressed that they are close to burnout.

I've seen people make decisions out of fear and spend money on strategies and "gurus" that promise the world, but don't offer any substance. I want you to know that this program isn't like that. I've been deeply, passionately dedicated to my craft for 25 years and this program delivers what it promises. 

My wish for you is that you get to experience the kind success that comes from feeling free in your body and soul, deeply trusting in yourself and that invisible force outside of you that is conspiring to shower you with blessings.